Girl on the turkish subway

girl on the turkish subway inspiration collage

1. a military inspired blazer has been on my mind already sometime 
2. the basic white T, great for so many outfits
3. polyvore made my fall in love with these Mark Jacobs flats, pure love 
4. camel trousers, not sure if I would rock these, but the girl certainly did!

Iltapäivästä bongasin metrossa tytön, jonka asu oli kovasti mieleeni. Ensimäiseksi tytössä huomioni herätti hänen kaulassaan roikkuva Canonin järkkäri, jonka jälkeen huomioni siirtyi hänen simppeliin, mutta silti toimivaaan asuun. 

This afternoon while going to my Turkish class BBQ I spotted a girl on the subway with a great outfit. Okay, I'll admit, my attention was first drawn to the Canon dslr she was wearing but soon her outfit made me inspired.

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